
Do you prepare for your trip by learning some local language spoken? It’s a great way to prepare for cultural immersion, make friends, and avoid scammers.

Before visiting Bali, knowing that two major languages spoken on the island are essential before visiting Bali. Bahasa Indonesia is the national first Bali language in Bahasa Bali, but most locals speak Balinese as their first language.

If you’ve visited Indonesia, you may know some Bahasa Indonesia. It’s a language that originated from the Malaysian language and has been used in Indonesia for centuries. This was necessary for trade among the many islands in the region. 

Balinese is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in Bali and some small communities on Java and Lombok. Although it has similarities with Javanese, there are many differences between the two most widely spoken languages. Indonesia has over 700 distinct languages spoken on its islands, each being the first language of local people and used in everyday conversation and informal communication with family, friends, and others in the community.

What is the Main Language Spoken in Bali?

Bali has two official languages: Bahasa Indonesia, the first official Bali language of Indonesia and spoken throughout Indonesia, and Balinese, which is spoken by the locals, specifically on the island of Bali.

Indonesian is a globally spoken language, serving as the second language for 155 million people. The language contains loan words from varied foreign languages, including Dutch, English, and Arabic. Indonesian is commonly used in urban Bali, while Balinese is the preferred local language in rural villages. 

Learn Indonesian or Balinese?

If you travel to Indonesia, learning some Indonesian language is a good idea. Learning a few words, common phrases, or simple phrases like ‘thank you’ or ‘good morning’ will impress the locals and make them happy.

Learning Indonesian is easy, and you can communicate effectively even with essential fluency, as people will likely understand what you mean.

The Balinese language consists of 3 different levels: low (basa Kedah), middle (basa media), and high (basa Singh), which are used depending on the language-derived social status rich culture of the person speaking or being spoken to. Learning the Balinese language can be challenging due to this variation.

While speaking Balinese as a foreigner, following the caste system may not be required strictly. However, it can be uncomfortable if you mistakenly use a lower caste pronoun to address someone from a higher caste. You can learn some easy Balinese phrases while staying on the island.

Simple Indonesian and Balinese

Learning a language barrier and a few more basic words and phrases can be enjoyable, and locals will appreciate your effort to communicate with them. Connecting with the people in more traditional villages can be rewarding, particularly if you venture off the popular tourist routes.

Do People in Bali Also Speak English?

Getting around and communicating with people in both significant languages in Bali should be fine. This is because tourism is a primary source of income in Bali, and most locals speak a decent amount of English. Moreover, Bali has a significant community of native English speakers who are ex-pats. English is so well adapted here that many foreigners have lived here for years but have yet to learn to speak Indonesian!

It is highly appreciated by Balinese people when tourists learn some essential Balinese words and basic phrases. By making an effort, you could impress local vendors and even receive a discount as a reward for attempting to speak their native language.

Is Indonesian Hard To Learn?

It is essential to prioritize communication when planning your holiday. Communication can help resolve any issues and provide assistance when needed. Engaging with the locals will provide a more genuine understanding of the Balinese lifestyle and culture.

Learning Indonesian as a foreign language requires time and effort, but it is relatively more straightforward than other Asian languages. Unlike other languages, Indonesian verbs don’t have past or future tense and are only used in the present tense. Additionally, there are no masculine or even masculine and feminine nouns or distinctions in the Indonesian language. To keep the language simple, Indonesian words lack a plural form. Instead, you can make a word plural by repeating it or adding “para” before it, but only if it refers to a living thing. For instance, “students” can be “murid-murid” or “para murid.” Plural forms are uncommon in Indonesian, particularly in casual conversations.

Learning Balinese can be challenging because it is a universal language that has three levels of complexity – low (basa Kedah), middle (basa media), and high (basa Singh).

In Conclusion:

If you’re heading to Bali, you’ve probably already prepared a detailed itinerary, a list of what to do and avoid, and arranged transportation. However, learning about the languages spoken in Bali is always a good idea. The official languages are Balinese and Indonesian. Balinese is specific to Bali, and Indonesian is spoken throughout the country. By familiarizing yourself with these languages, you can further enhance your trip to Bali.

Bali heavily relies on tourism as the primary source of its economy. Therefore, many people in the area can speak English reasonably well. In addition to English, you may also hear other languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian, etc., spoken in the local marketplaces.

This language’s development happened because people captivated by Bali’s beauty decided to make it their home. Learning some basic Balinese phrases would be helpful, especially in building rapport with local vendors who may give you a discount if you can communicate well with them.

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