Ayo Bicara 2 – Convo 2

Original price was: Rp350,000.Current price is: Rp200,000.


Ayo Bicara 2 – Convo 2

This conversation book provides a comprehensive approach to learning Indonesian for pre-intermediate to Intermediate level learners. This book offers a wide array of features to facilitate language acquisition, including reading exercises in Indonesian and English, wordlists for both languages, and reading comprehension tasks. These exercises are carefully designed to enhance vocabulary retention and comprehension skills, allowing learners to progress steadily in their language journey.

One of the book’s notable features is its emphasis on practicality. This book includes everyday conversations that learners are likely to encounter in real-life situations, enabling them to communicate effectively with native speakers. Moreover, the inclusion of free speaking activities encourages learners to practice spontaneous speech, further solidifying their grasp of the language. Additionally, interactive simulations provide an immersive learning experience, allowing learners to apply their skills in simulated real-world scenarios. Through a combination of these features, learners can develop their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in Indonesian in a dynamic and engaging manner.


DAILY ACTIVITY / Kegiatan Sehari-hari


FAMILY / Keluarga

DINNER WITH FRIENDS – Makan Malam sama Teman

WEATHER ON THE BEACH / Cuaca di Pantai


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